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Brandlehow Primary School


You can find out more about the taught content of our curriculum and the progression of skills in this document: Science Curriculum Content and Progression Overview

From Brandlehow's Science Policy:

Curriculum Statement

The 2014 national curriculum for Science aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of enquiry that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • are equipped with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future. We understand that it is important for lessons to have a skills-based focus, and that the knowledge can be taught through this



At Brandlehow, we encourage children to be inquisitive and to explore in order to gain independence and to question their world. Our Science curriculum aims to foster a healthy curiosity and it builds upon children’s natural fascination with the world in which they live and experience. We believe that Science is innately explorative, and our lessons reflect this by encouraging children to follow a scientific method to question, trial, make mistakes and gather conclusions, whilst supporting their individual needs. Our Science curriculum is designed with the intent that each child at Brandlehow will become competent investigators who will confidently explore through first-hand experiences. Our aim is to amalgamate scientific concepts, technical vocabulary and practical skills to create well-rounded scientific learners. The children at Brandlehow will show progression through their working scientifically skills year on year, building on and embedding their confidence so that they view themselves as proficient scientific thinkers. We will create opportunities in which all children will succeed and build bridges between prior and future learning so that a depth of understanding is reached through lessons which are rich, stimulating, challenging and relevant. The children will master important life skills which will serve them throughout the rest of their education as well as their future lives. We endeavour to make learning Science an entirely positive and rewarding experience in their primary school education.


 At Brandlehow Science topics are taught within each year group, in accordance with the National Curriculum. Science at Brandlehow follows these principles:

  • Topics are arranged in units to allow children to focus on developing their knowledge and skills, studying and exploring each one in depth. The key coverage of concepts and skills will be used by teachers to plan and assess, and will drive the journey of Science on for each year group
  • Children’s independent learning is encouraged within lessons; ‘big’ science questions are asked to inspire wonder and children then explore, question, predict, plan and carry out investigations and note their observations through an array of strategies and enquiry types
  • Children’s prior and future learning are considered at the beginning of each topic and lesson, and children are given the opportunity to share what they already know about a topic. This encourages out of school interest as well as allowing them to engage with topics that are relevant to their personal, lived experiences
  • Prior learning is built upon, and therefore the children develop a depth of understanding and progression of their skills
  • The Science lead looks for updates in regards to the teaching of Science to feedback to all staff, and considers options for CPD to ensure that the standard of Science teaching is excellent and consistent
  • Opportunities for outdoor learning are regular and aim to develop children’s practical, hands-on skills
  • Teachers promote enjoyment and are encouraged to be forward thinking in regards to their planning, utilising a range of resources to ensure that lessons meet the National Curriculum objectives
  • Science is intrinsically fun in nature, so lessons should be, as a standard, exciting (but do not need to go above and beyond to focus on something without losing sight of the essential learning objectives)
  • Workshops, trips and visitors are planned in order to enrich and enhance the pupils’ learning experience. These events often involve families and the wider community.
  • Misconceptions are highlighted and addressed appropriately
  • Children are given clear learning objectives and Science success criteria each lesson in order for them to streamline their learning
  • Cross curricular links are planned and interwoven throughout topics
  • Science enjoyment is promoted by learning through real, first-hand science experiences which children can relate to
  • Science events and scientists from a range of backgrounds are celebrated regularly and throughout the year to bring up the profile of science 
  • The Science school display is updated regularly with inspirational scientists, children’s work, interactive questions and topical Science updates to bring a sense of community within the collective Science experience
  • Other project days with a whole school focus on a particular theme, such as ‘growth’ or ‘nature’ show the clear progression of science learning throughout the school and allow the children to broaden their understanding and horizons and develop STEM skills.


Through our Science teaching, we aim for the children to develop the following skills: 

  • Questioning
  • Prediction
  • Hypothesising
  • Collecting and recording information/data
  • Discussions and reporting to others
  • Observation
  • Comparing, sorting and classifying
  • Estimating and measuring
  • Controlling and manipulating variables 
  • Handling different equipment safely and effectively
  • Interpreting information
  • Drawing conclusions 


We aim to do the above whilst fostering the following values:

  • excitement
  • curiosity
  • perseverance
  • open-mindedness
  • self-discipline
  • sensitivity to others and respect
  • independence
  • adaptability
  • co-operation
  • care for living things

Equal Opportunities

Children of all abilities, genders and backgrounds can benefit from the study of Science. All children, no matter their lived experience, can and will engage with science at Brandlehow within their year’s curriculum. All children with Special Educational Needs are provided with challenging experiences in a flexible manner suited to their individual needs. Children for whom English is an additional language are to be considered during the planning and teaching of science and to be supported, especially when considering the introduction of new and challenging vocabulary. At Brandlehow, children’s individual needs do not hinder their science learning.  Science lessons are interesting and exciting, and we aim to create an environment that offers everyone the same opportunities to learn and experience science. Children are supported in their learning, and are offered extension opportunities to benefit and stretch them further.


science at brandlehow.pdf